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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Heavenly Father
Savior/Jesus Christ

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Lyrics: He came to us a child seek-ing for the truth a-bout the one so meek and mild That he'd dis-cov-ered in his youth. I watched him grow in grace that day; Wis-dom was his prize. We taught him from the scrip-tures. He taught us from the skies a-bout a prom-ise he had made and that he meant to keep. "Wist ye not", he told her. He im- plied the price was steep. But, I won-der if he tru-ly learned, on the tem- ple steps that day, a-bout his cov-e-nant and the price he'd come to pay. Re-demp-tion was his prom-ise to the fa-ther that he loved. In-ti-mate and per-son,-al be-tween a fa-ther and his son. Re-demp-tion was his prom-ise to the fa-ther that he loved. In-ti-mate and per-son-al be-tween a fa-ther and his son. To the man and to the wom-an, I com-men-ded him, their son and sought from them a prom-ise, to love that Cho-sen One Who soft-ly touched my face be-fore He bid a-dieu and se-cured from me a prom-ise that I would care for you. Re-Re-demp-tion was my prom-ise to the fa-ther that I love.. In-ti-mate and per-son-al, be-tween a fa-ther and his son.
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