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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jeff Combe!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Cantata/Choir Full Program/Play, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
See more from Jeff Combe.
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More about Jeff Combe:
Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho; currently live in Southern California. Studied composition with Dave Sargent and Murray Boren at BYU; jazz arranging and electronic music at Cal State Los Angeles.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jeff Combe!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Cantata/Choir Full Program/Play, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
See more from Jeff Combe.
Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon
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More about Jeff Combe:
Originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho; currently live in Southern California. Studied composition with Dave Sargent and Murray Boren at BYU; jazz arranging and electronic music at Cal State Los Angeles.
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This is the overture to the oratorio The Last Words of Mormon. This segues immediately into 1a.
Discerning listeners will hear the last chords of 30. "Voices from the Dust" at the beginning of the overture. That is because the oratorio, in honor of a dominant poetic form in the Book of Mormon, is musical chiasmus. The center of the chiasmus are numbers 15 and 16. The beginning (the Overture) is, therefore, repeating elements of the end, and vice versa.
Prominent in the overture is the theme from 23. O, ye fair ones. This constitutes the music for 29. Moroni, and a number of other pieces in the oratorio. This is central theme of the entire oratorio, Mormon's love for his people, and his inconsolable lamentations at their loss.

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