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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Karen Shumway Johnson!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

See more from Karen Shumway Johnson.

Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ

Comments for this piece:
From G Turley: WE LOVE THIS SONG! Our family of four adults - three males and one female - sang this song in our sacrament meeting last week, doing all four parts. LOTS of people asked us where we got it. They'd never heard it before but loved it. It's not too hard to learn, or to play. The harmonies are beautiful and the words/feeling of the song are wonderful. There were lots of teary eyes in the congregation!
5.0 stars.

From Lisa: I would love to hear this song sung with lyrics.
5.0 stars.

From Danielle : I heard this song a couple years ago. It was so beautiful that I wanted our choir to sing it. And soon as we got through Covid, I put it on our Christmas program this year. Our choir really enjoyed singing it. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.
5.0 stars.

From L Bright: Our stake puts on a Community Creche and various groups sing so people can come and listen to Christmas music and look at the Nativity Scenes. Last night our choir sang this piece. It was the most beautiful song performs! So grateful for your talent & willingness to share with the rest of us & to our choir director for choosing The King of Kings!
5.0 stars.

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Lyrics: There was no fanfare no gathering of crowds
There were no trumpets resounding long and loud
There were no feast declared
No one to dance or sing
No one the bells to ring
Announcing this new king.
But there were shepherds and there were angels
Who did worship this little boy
And there was Joseph and there was Mary
Whose hearts were filled with joy
For they knew this little baby
He was the son of God
Their King, the King of Kings.

There was no palace no wondrous place to stay
There was no cradle or bed on which to lay
There were no servants there to make him nice and warm
To keep him safe from storm
The night when he was born.
But there were shepherds and there were angels
Who did worship this little boy
And there was Joseph and there was Mary
Whose hears were filled with joy
For they knew this little baby
He was the Son of God
Their King, the King of Kings.

The world now knows that this baby is our king
The world now knows that salvation He did bring
The world now celebrates for we will live again
Life may never end
Because of him our friend.
We with the shepherds and with the angels
Do now worship this little boy
We join with Joseph and also Mary
For our hearts are filled with joy
Yes we know this little baby
He is the Son of God
Our KIng, He is our King, The King of Kings.
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