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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Christine (Burnett) Hadlock!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Christine (Burnett) Hadlock.
Visit composer's personal website.
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More about Christine (Burnett) Hadlock:
Sometime after the age of 6, which is when I started piano lessons, I remember wishing I knew which keys sounded good together. I didn’t want to be tied down to play only what other composers had written. I wanted to play how I felt. A few years later, I began learning scales in the Circle of Fifths as part of my junior high percussion class. That experience gave me the basics of music theory, but it wasn’t until I was a freshman in high school that I began writing music. Then, one evening my dad stopped to listen to me play the piano. He asked the name of the song. I sheepishly told him it didn’t have a name; it was just something I’d made up. He was amazed and immediately insisted I try out for the high school talent show. He even offered to give me a Boom Box if I made it. (I have a great dad!) I was flattered and excited and agreed. A few weeks later I played Dreamer’s Sonata–which wasn’t a sonata at all–for a large crowd of mostly strangers in my high school auditorium. Performing under the lights was quite a thrill, but getting a tearful hug from my big sister afterward, hearing my mom describe awed nearby audience reactions, and then winning First Place Overall as a freshman was absolutely amazing! It was all I needed. I was a composer. And I continue to be a composer. I’m not sure I could stop if I tried. It is a beautiful experience to create something that wasn’t there before.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Christine (Burnett) Hadlock!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Christine (Burnett) Hadlock.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Trust in God
Children's Songs
Trust in God
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More about Christine (Burnett) Hadlock:
Sometime after the age of 6, which is when I started piano lessons, I remember wishing I knew which keys sounded good together. I didn’t want to be tied down to play only what other composers had written. I wanted to play how I felt. A few years later, I began learning scales in the Circle of Fifths as part of my junior high percussion class. That experience gave me the basics of music theory, but it wasn’t until I was a freshman in high school that I began writing music. Then, one evening my dad stopped to listen to me play the piano. He asked the name of the song. I sheepishly told him it didn’t have a name; it was just something I’d made up. He was amazed and immediately insisted I try out for the high school talent show. He even offered to give me a Boom Box if I made it. (I have a great dad!) I was flattered and excited and agreed. A few weeks later I played Dreamer’s Sonata–which wasn’t a sonata at all–for a large crowd of mostly strangers in my high school auditorium. Performing under the lights was quite a thrill, but getting a tearful hug from my big sister afterward, hearing my mom describe awed nearby audience reactions, and then winning First Place Overall as a freshman was absolutely amazing! It was all I needed. I was a composer. And I continue to be a composer. I’m not sure I could stop if I tried. It is a beautiful experience to create something that wasn’t there before.
Song background:
This beautiful children’s song teaches about agency, the gift to choose for ourselves, and emphasizes the blessings of choosing to follow Christ. Included with the song are the composer’s ideas on how to teach the song to children.
The Gift God Gave to me (by Christine (Burnett) Hadlock)
You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).You can also bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.
Lyrics: Long ago in heaven
God gave a gift to me.
Agency is the gift to choose for myself.
I am free to choose light and liberty.
I can choose to serve the Lord and feel his peace.
I choose to do good with the gift that God has given me.
I choose the right.
I choose the light of Christ to guide my way each day.
I choose his way.
I know he'll bless me when I choose the right.
I love the Lord and that is why
I choose to do good with the gift that God has given me.
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