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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ashley Bowen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Ashley Bowen.
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ashley Bowen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Ashley Bowen.
Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Savior/Jesus Christ
Children's Songs
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Savior/Jesus Christ
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I love the Children's Songbook and how the music teaches the gospel with simple, strong clarity. Regarding Baptism, the current songs teach about the process (immersion and being 8), becoming clean from sins and following the example of the Savior. However, there is not a song that focuses on the Baptismal Covenant that is taught in Mosiah 18. I was inspired to write a song that teaches children about the promises they are making when they are baptized, and the joy they will feel in their hearts as they serve and love others as the Savior did.

Lyrics: The Desire of My Heart
Mosiah 18:5-30
Verse 1:
At the waters of Mormon, a fountain so pure,
Alma taught the true gospel of Christ.
He did teach and did preach of a covenant sure,
A promise for eternal life.
And many did hear and believe Alma’s words,
At the waters of Mormon refined.
Immersed in the water, the Spirit confirmed
A witness to last for all time.
Chorus 1:
A promise to God to take on His name
Be willing to lift up and mourn with and comfort His children in pain
To stand as a witness and never depart.
This is the covenant, the desire of their heart.
Verse 2:
And with joy in their hearts they were baptized that day,
Filled with grace, an eye single to God.
They did succor each other, left no one astray.
Their hearts knit in oneness and love.
When I’m baptized, I make covenants with the Lord,
And I promise I will do my part.
I will be just like Jesus and love evermore.
This is the desire of my heart.
Chorus 2:
I promise to God to take on His name.
I’m willing to lift up and mourn with and comfort His children in pain.
I’ll stand as a witness and never depart.
This is my covenant, the desire of my heart.
Yes, this is my covenant, the desire of my heart.
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