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Voicing/Instrumentation: Young Women Voices

See more from Diane Tuiofu.

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See more from Toni Thomas.

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Related song categories are:
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Young Women Values
Women Unison

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Song background:

"The Whole Armor of God" encourages us to remember to pray and read scriptures daily to clothe ourselves with the Armor of God so we can be protected against temptation.

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Lyrics: Verse 1
When I wake up in the morning
And get ready for my day,
I’m glad when I remember
To stop and pray right away
For I can't be my best
Without the breastplate of righteousness;
The helmet of salvation
Keeps my thoughts free from temptation.
When I hold up the shield of faith,
The Lord is watching, keeping me safe:
When I pray to Heav’nly Father as I ought,
I put on the whole armor of God.

Verse 2
When I’m going and I’m coming,
When I work and when I play,
It's the Word of God I ponder
And do my best to obey.
For I’ve learned in my youth
The need for girding myself with truth;
I wield the sword of Spirit,
With each prompting as I hear it.
I know the Lord will guide my feet
When I walk with the gospel of peace:
When I read and heed the scriptures as I ought,
I put on the whole armor of God.
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