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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB
See more from Linda Hartman.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Sher: This medley combines a 3/4 tune with a 4/4 tune. Found the SA verse very different from LDS hymnbook. Some editing needed in piano, measures: 33, 51, 52, 53, remove all accidentals and naturals. You might try new chords in the RH m 53 and 55 to reduce dissonance. Overall, it works but the conflicting meters adds some funk.
2.0 stars.
From Ruth A.: I have tucked this song away to bring out for my ward choir in November. I love the combination of two different rhythms of the songs. The necessary adjustments to the rhythms provide interest when they are sung simultaneously, instead of just being a repetition of what they've already sung. It's also accessible to most ward choirs. Thank you!
5.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Linda Hartman!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB
See more from Linda Hartman.
Visit composer's personal website.
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Comments for this piece:
From Sher: This medley combines a 3/4 tune with a 4/4 tune. Found the SA verse very different from LDS hymnbook. Some editing needed in piano, measures: 33, 51, 52, 53, remove all accidentals and naturals. You might try new chords in the RH m 53 and 55 to reduce dissonance. Overall, it works but the conflicting meters adds some funk.
2.0 stars.
From Ruth A.: I have tucked this song away to bring out for my ward choir in November. I love the combination of two different rhythms of the songs. The necessary adjustments to the rhythms provide interest when they are sung simultaneously, instead of just being a repetition of what they've already sung. It's also accessible to most ward choirs. Thank you!
5.0 stars.
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