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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ross Farnworth!

Voicing/Instrumentation: TTBB

We also have other 58 arrangements of "The First Noel".

See more from Ross Farnworth.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Relief Society/Sisterhood/Women
Savior/Jesus Christ

Comments for this piece:
From Melinda: I'm surprised no one has rated this arrangement yet. It is absolutely beautiful. We did it with a group of men for our Christmas program and it was, by far, the best number in the program. The male harmonies are beautiful and really get going around measure 87. We all called this the Titanic Noel. ;)
5.0 stars.

From Scott: A group of 13 of us just performed it in Sac. Mtg. this morning. This is a beautiful piece of music to experience both for the performer and the audience. Familiar words and lovely harmonies allowed us all to focus on the dynamics and the message of the music. Highly recommended as long as you have sufficient T1's with the necessary range.
5.0 stars.

Song background:

Church Music Submission (2020-Arrangements for Men's/Women's Chorus), Special Recognition.

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