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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

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Song background:

This song praises the connection of grandparents to their children and those children to their children.

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Lyrics: (Adults to their parents) I gave you my hand and you led me. You guided my steps tenderly. I gave you my heart and you loved me in living harmony. I opened my soul and you taught me that values and faith are divine. You fashioned for me a foundation to build my life upon. And the world lies waiting at my fingertips. All that is good can be mine. As I start my journey, I turn to see there are those who surely follow me.
(Children to their adult parents) I'll give you my hand, will you lead me? Please guide all my steps tenderly. I'll give you my heart, won't you love me in living harmony? I'll open my soul if you'll teach me that values and faith are divine. Oh, fashion for me a foundation to build my life upon.
(Mothers to their children) And when there are tears, I will dry them. Helping to heal your sorrow. Just know that I care, I will learn and prepare, for there are those who surely follow.
(Everyone) Come take my hand and together we'll walk down the pathways of life. We're building a home for each other to stand the test of time. And the world lies waiting at my fingertips. All that is good can be mine. We have found the circle of family. Hear our song. We'll sing in harmony.

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