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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sheryl Martineau!
See more from Sheryl Martineau.
Comments for this piece:
From Anne Martineau: Singing this song is like painting a beautiful landscape with brushes of light and dreams. Beautiful! I’ve been singing this for years and it is one of my favorite art songs.
5.0 stars.
More about Sheryl Martineau:
My family and indeed, the entire large posterity of my parents' family, almost all of whom are singers and instrumentalists, have my mother, Ruth Green, to thank for the music that has enriched our lives and our service for the last 60-odd years. I do not forget the sacrifice of my father in providing lessons for his five daughters. Mama sent us to our performances saying, "Do pretty," and then attended every one of them. They laid the foundation of the tradition of training and performance that has come down in each one of our families. I am most grateful.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sheryl Martineau!
See more from Sheryl Martineau.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Comments for this piece:
From Anne Martineau: Singing this song is like painting a beautiful landscape with brushes of light and dreams. Beautiful! I’ve been singing this for years and it is one of my favorite art songs.
5.0 stars.
More about Sheryl Martineau:
My family and indeed, the entire large posterity of my parents' family, almost all of whom are singers and instrumentalists, have my mother, Ruth Green, to thank for the music that has enriched our lives and our service for the last 60-odd years. I do not forget the sacrifice of my father in providing lessons for his five daughters. Mama sent us to our performances saying, "Do pretty," and then attended every one of them. They laid the foundation of the tradition of training and performance that has come down in each one of our families. I am most grateful.
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Lyrics: Thank God for a sunset, shy pink on purple snow,
Brave canopy of brilliant beams, rich light making all I know
A glowing land of dreams.
Thank God for a soft rain, filling puddles for children's play.
Sweet-washed meadows misty lie; watered shimmer colors stay
Hanging bright in the sky.
And thanks for a quiet morning, never weary and never long,
Time for simple, happy thought, filling early with glad bird song,
Sounds to cheer the heart.
Thank God for life and all these gifts I name;
But of them all, morning, sunset, rain,
A sunset feeds my soul.
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