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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

See more from Laurie Atanasio.

Related song categories are:
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Savior/Jesus Christ

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More about Laurie Atanasio:
I grew up on the East Coast of the United States. Served a mission in France. Married and have 9 children. My music is an expression of my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my devotion to His work. I hope that you find it uplifting and a source of spiritual strength.
Song background:

I started this song at the beginning of 2019 and expanded it as I took conference notes in April in the meter of the song.  Many of the concepts from the April 2019 general conference were incorporated into the song.  I tried very hard to have all of the parts be very fun to sing for everyone.

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Lyrics: Sweet, Joyous Sabbath Day

1 – Sweet, joyous Sabbath day, fin’lly has come.
Friends, neighbors, fam’lies are gath’ring as one
Leaving the cares of this world far behind,
Righteousness seeking to godliness find.

We gather here on this bright sabbath day,
Pond’ring how better to follow Thy way.

2 – What sign do we wish to give Thee, our God?
Our strict devotion was bought with Thy blood.
Sabbath observance fills us with delight:
Do better, be better, love choosing right.

We gather here on this bright sabbath day,
Pond’ring how better to follow Thy way.

3 – What do we give in exchange for our soul?
We’ll forsake all our sins, please make us whole.
Grant us forgiveness as we forgive men,
Show us Thy mercy as we love again.

We gather here on this bright sabbath day,
Pond’ring how better to follow Thy way.

4 – For all our sins, Jesus suffered and died,
Satan defeated, our vict’ry supplied.
Our shepherd calls us, each one, by our name.
Come now to worship, His mercies proclaim.

We gather here on this bright sabbath day,
Pond’ring how better to follow Thy way.

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