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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Choir Unison

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Song background:

A traditional, harvest-themed hymn - lyrics by Greville Phillimore (1821-1884). 

Visit  www.ldsmusicalitems.co.uk  for full MP3 piano accompaniment for all verses, plus soprano, alto, tenor and bass practice MP3 files.

You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
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Lyrics: .
1. Summer ended, harvest o'er,
Lord, to Thee our song we pour,
For the valley's golden yield,
For the fruits of tree and field;

2. For the promise ever sure
That while heav'n and earth endure
See time, harvest, cold and heat
Shall their yearly round complete;

3. For the care, which while we slept,
Watch o'er field and furrow kept,
Watch o'er all the buried grain,
Soon to burst to life again.

4. When the reaping angels bring,
Tares and wheat before the King,
Saviour, may we gathered be
In the heav'nly barn to Thee.

5. Then the angel cry shall sound:
Praise the Lamb: the lost are found!
And the answering song shall be:
Alleluia, praise to Thee!

6. Praise to Thee! the toil is o'er;
Blight and curse shall be no more;
Lo! the mighty work is done:
Glory to the Holy One!

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