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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ian McDougal!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet
We also have other 21 arrangements of "Stars Were Gleaming/Infant Holy, Infant Lowly".
See more from Ian McDougal.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Sharon Crosby: I am so glad to find this arrangement for children. I would like to have a small group of children sing it in one of our church meetings. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ian McDougal!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet
We also have other 21 arrangements of "Stars Were Gleaming/Infant Holy, Infant Lowly".
See more from Ian McDougal.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Sharon Crosby: I am so glad to find this arrangement for children. I would like to have a small group of children sing it in one of our church meetings. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).
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You can also bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.

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