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Comments for this piece:
From Dan Chamberlain: I have loved this tender song of praise and doctrine of the Savoir since I first heard it. It is a remarkably written and performed witness of Him by a young woman of probably the same age bracket of the mother of Jesus Christ himself. I never hear it that it doesn't transport me into the awe and power of prophecy and fulfillment, His great atonement and, of course, the miracle and mission of mother Mary, herself so young and faithful. This music never fails to move my soul! Well done!
5.0 stars.
From Dan Chamberlain: I have loved this tender song of praise and doctrine of the Savoir since I first heard it. It is a remarkably written and performed witness of Him by a young woman of probably the same age bracket of the mother of Jesus Christ himself. I never hear it that it doesn't transport me into the awe and power of prophecy and fulfillment, His great atonement and, of course, the miracle and mission of mother Mary, herself so young and faithful. This music never fails to move my soul! Well done!
5.0 stars.
From Chrsity Chamberlain: The Sunday that Lana performed this beautiful lullaby that she wrote in our congregation you could have heard a pin drop as she sang. It is a beautiful composition and the words are a clear message. The holy spirit was clearly testifying to us that day as she sang. Give this song a try. You will love it.
5.0 stars.
More about Lana Chamberlain:
Lana Chamberlain wrote "Sleep on, my Son" for the Fairview Ward Sacrament Meeting Christmas Program of 2010, when she was 18 years old. She had been invited to sing something to represent Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Feeling inspired by the words of Mary recorded in Luke 1:46-54, and having prayed for inspiration, Lana wrote a lullaby for the Christ Child and presented it to the congregation. She hopes that others who desire to present the testimony of Mary will discover and share this piece of music for Christmases to come.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
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Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood
Savior/Jesus Christ
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Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Comments for this piece:
From Dan Chamberlain: I have loved this tender song of praise and doctrine of the Savoir since I first heard it. It is a remarkably written and performed witness of Him by a young woman of probably the same age bracket of the mother of Jesus Christ himself. I never hear it that it doesn't transport me into the awe and power of prophecy and fulfillment, His great atonement and, of course, the miracle and mission of mother Mary, herself so young and faithful. This music never fails to move my soul! Well done!
5.0 stars.
From Dan Chamberlain: I have loved this tender song of praise and doctrine of the Savoir since I first heard it. It is a remarkably written and performed witness of Him by a young woman of probably the same age bracket of the mother of Jesus Christ himself. I never hear it that it doesn't transport me into the awe and power of prophecy and fulfillment, His great atonement and, of course, the miracle and mission of mother Mary, herself so young and faithful. This music never fails to move my soul! Well done!
5.0 stars.
From Chrsity Chamberlain: The Sunday that Lana performed this beautiful lullaby that she wrote in our congregation you could have heard a pin drop as she sang. It is a beautiful composition and the words are a clear message. The holy spirit was clearly testifying to us that day as she sang. Give this song a try. You will love it.
5.0 stars.
More about Lana Chamberlain:
Lana Chamberlain wrote "Sleep on, my Son" for the Fairview Ward Sacrament Meeting Christmas Program of 2010, when she was 18 years old. She had been invited to sing something to represent Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Feeling inspired by the words of Mary recorded in Luke 1:46-54, and having prayed for inspiration, Lana wrote a lullaby for the Christ Child and presented it to the congregation. She hopes that others who desire to present the testimony of Mary will discover and share this piece of music for Christmases to come.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).A Christmas Lullaby inspired by the words of Mary in Luke 1:46-54.
Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: Sleep On, my Son
So long I have waited to hold Thee.
I love thee, my baby, more than I could have known.
Come to save my people. Come to heal the humble.
Sleep in my humble arms tonight, I've little else to offer thee my Son, my God.
Sleep on, My Son.
Shepherds have come to behold thee.
Sent by thine angels, how could I turn them away?
Thou art come to save my people. Come to heal the humbe.
The humble are come to thee tonight to feel thy love and peace and light.
My son, my God. the Son of my God.
Heir to the throne of thy father David, to rule over Jacob forever.
Sleep on my Son, my God.
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