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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Charles E. Davis!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SATB quartet

See more from Charles E. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Maria A. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
A Cappella/Optional A Capella

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More about Charles E. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish, and have published several vocal, choral, and instrumental works commercially. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
More about Maria A. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
Song background:

“Señor Bendicenos Al Partir” fue ganador de un Premio al Mérito en el Concurso Annual de Musica 2014 de la Iglesia LDS. Este himno se puede utilizar en reuniones sacramentales, conferencias, o otros ocasiones . Versiones disponibles en Inglés y Español.

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Lyrics: Verso 1:
Señor danos tu bendición
Al partir de esta reunión.
Que la verdad penetre
En cada corazón.

Sentir tu espíritu y
Tu palabra escuchar.
Nos comprometemos Señor,
Hacer tu voluntad.

Llena nuestros corazones
Con luz y entendimiento.
Por la gracia de tu Hijo
Haznos mas perfectos.

Verso 2:
Perdona nuestras faltas.
Ten misericordia.
Guíanos siempre adalante
Con fuerza y valor.

Aleja todo mal y
Danos tu protección.
Llena nuestros corazones
Con tu divino amor.

Te pedimos en oración
No nos dejes solos.
Ayudanos a vivir
Día a día siempre fieles.

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