If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Michael Bailey!
We also have other 12 arrangements of "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul".
See more from Michael Bailey.
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
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More about Michael Bailey:
My name is Michael Bailey and music has always been my first love in life. I graduated from BYU with a BA in Music and spent time in composition and orchestration and music recording. I enjoy getting feedback so please reach out to me if you listen and have comments!
I wrote this arrangement for two very good friends of mine - Letitia and Rebecca Clark. The target audience here would be for soprano and pianist with a little more training or experience (or for those looking for a challenge to work on) than the average member. Really would like feedback from any one as I'm thinking seriously of entering this into the church music competition this year. Also looking for someone who might be interested in working with me to get a recording together of this piece. If you are interested please contact me at
I simply tried to be true to the text when approaching the vocal lines. The piece is intended to be introspective and a heart felt expression of love and worship of our Savior, Jesus Christ.