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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 8 arrangements of "Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus".
We also have other 6 arrangements of "Star Bright".

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Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon

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More about Chad Nielsen:
Chad Nielsen's three great intellectual passions in life are science, history/religious studies, and music. He has pursued a career in biotechnology, but maintains an active interest in both of his other passions on the side. Chad is a winning contestant in the Arrington Writing Award competition held at Utah State University for his essays on Mormon history and has presented at the Logan Institute of Religion scholar’s forum and the annual meeting of the Society of Mormon Philosophy and Theology. He is has served in a variety of music, teaching, and clerical callings at his church as well as in the music ministry of a Presbyterian church. Currently he is serving as a music missionary as a member of the Bells at Temple Square.
Song background:

This is a combined arrangement of "Samuel Tells of Baby Jesus" and "Star Bright," making it a Christmas and Advent medley focused on the Book of Mormon Christmas story. It also incoroporates "Star in the East" ("Brightest and Best") in the accompaniment.

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