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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Laura Sonderegger!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Choir Unison, Primary Children/Primary Solo, Young Men Voices, Young Women Voices
See more from Laura Sonderegger.
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More about Laura Sonderegger:
I am the kind of person who thrives on sunshine, sharing, singing, and smiles. For the past 8 years, I have coordinated a 9-woman SSA singing group called "Jubilation" which performs at retirement homes, senior centers, church luncheons and socials. In 7th grade, I won a "Reflections" contest for composing a piano score called "Dancing Snowflakes" and never composed again - until February 2019. During a study time with the Come Follow Me program on the topic of worship I felt a heartfelt desire to improve the quality of worship in my life. As I was reading Alma 26, where Ammon "glories in the Lord", I thought to myself, "This is what worship sounds like." I began jotting phrases down in my journal and had the thought that Ammon's words were so beautiful someone should put them to music. Instantly I could hear a melody in my head. I straightway went to my piano and plunked out the tune, capturing it on some lined paper. I found an on-line composing software and within an hour I had the clear outlines of the hymn. While I have worked to capture the grandeur of Ammon's words in the score, the words never varied from what I originally wrote down. Since then I have added 10 additional scores with music and lyrics - both hymns and primary songs. Everything changed for me that day. I discovered a previously unearthed talent Heavenly Father wants me to develop and share. My personal worship has dramatically changed because the scriptures and words of the prophets sound melodic to me and I yearn to capture the words through song so they can more fully penetrate the heart and mind. As I work on each score, the message sinks deep into my soul and I know composing music for the Lord will continue to be a life-long joy and blessing.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Laura Sonderegger!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Choir Unison, Primary Children/Primary Solo, Young Men Voices, Young Women Voices
See more from Laura Sonderegger.
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More about Laura Sonderegger:
I am the kind of person who thrives on sunshine, sharing, singing, and smiles. For the past 8 years, I have coordinated a 9-woman SSA singing group called "Jubilation" which performs at retirement homes, senior centers, church luncheons and socials. In 7th grade, I won a "Reflections" contest for composing a piano score called "Dancing Snowflakes" and never composed again - until February 2019. During a study time with the Come Follow Me program on the topic of worship I felt a heartfelt desire to improve the quality of worship in my life. As I was reading Alma 26, where Ammon "glories in the Lord", I thought to myself, "This is what worship sounds like." I began jotting phrases down in my journal and had the thought that Ammon's words were so beautiful someone should put them to music. Instantly I could hear a melody in my head. I straightway went to my piano and plunked out the tune, capturing it on some lined paper. I found an on-line composing software and within an hour I had the clear outlines of the hymn. While I have worked to capture the grandeur of Ammon's words in the score, the words never varied from what I originally wrote down. Since then I have added 10 additional scores with music and lyrics - both hymns and primary songs. Everything changed for me that day. I discovered a previously unearthed talent Heavenly Father wants me to develop and share. My personal worship has dramatically changed because the scriptures and words of the prophets sound melodic to me and I yearn to capture the words through song so they can more fully penetrate the heart and mind. As I work on each score, the message sinks deep into my soul and I know composing music for the Lord will continue to be a life-long joy and blessing.
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Like most people, I have pondered about the night of Jesus's birth and if I was there, what part would I have played. When I read that there was no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn, I wonder if there is room in my heart for him now.

Lyrics: Verse 1:
On that starry night, oh so long ago. Joseph and Mary had no place to go.
Every door was closed, every heart was hard. So Jesus was born in a stable yard.
There's no room in the inn for him.
I'll make room for him, let his love light in. I'll make room for him within.
I'll make room for him, let my faith begin, to reflect His light, like the brightest star.
Verse 2:
Many saw a star shining in the sky. Only those who sought found the Christ nearby.
Do my eyes seek Christ as I make my way? Do I keep Him close as I live each day?
Is there room in my heart for Him?
I'll make room in my heart for Him.
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