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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Druann S. Lacey!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Druann S. Lacey.
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More about Druann S. Lacey:
I am a classically trained lyric soprano. Due to problems with my vocal chords I can no longer sing. I am just a beginner at composing. I was asked to put some accompaniment to a simple melody. I found I really enjoyed it. That's how I started. I had never really thought about composing my own music before but friends encouraged me to try. While listening to the conference talks while driving a thought came to me. "I could write a song about that..." And so I did.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Druann S. Lacey!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Druann S. Lacey.
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More about Druann S. Lacey:
I am a classically trained lyric soprano. Due to problems with my vocal chords I can no longer sing. I am just a beginner at composing. I was asked to put some accompaniment to a simple melody. I found I really enjoyed it. That's how I started. I had never really thought about composing my own music before but friends encouraged me to try. While listening to the conference talks while driving a thought came to me. "I could write a song about that..." And so I did.
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This is the same song as my other versions. It is written in a hymn style to cut down on pages. This also changed the voicing just slightly in some areas.

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