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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Matouš Pikous!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Bassoon, Brass Quintet, Cello solo, Clarinet, Flute Solo, Oboe, Violin Solo
See more from Matouš Pikous.
Comments for this piece:
From Zach: I do not believe this type of composition is appropriate for this site.
1.0 stars.
More about Matouš Pikous:
I’d love to introduce my music a little bit and prevent misunderstanding. Cubism appears in painting, in literature and also in architecture. But it had never appeared in music. So I decide to create first really cubistic song. So I drew a face from more angles. Then I simplified all parts to shapes. After that I composed a theme for every part and I put them together according to the picture. In the end I did several minor adjustments.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Matouš Pikous!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Bassoon, Brass Quintet, Cello solo, Clarinet, Flute Solo, Oboe, Violin Solo
See more from Matouš Pikous.
Comments for this piece:
From Zach: I do not believe this type of composition is appropriate for this site.
1.0 stars.
More about Matouš Pikous:
I’d love to introduce my music a little bit and prevent misunderstanding. Cubism appears in painting, in literature and also in architecture. But it had never appeared in music. So I decide to create first really cubistic song. So I drew a face from more angles. Then I simplified all parts to shapes. After that I composed a theme for every part and I put them together according to the picture. In the end I did several minor adjustments.
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I’d love to introduce my music a little bit and prevent misunderstanding. This is not a sacred piece per se but more just music for its own sake. Cubism appears in painting, in literature and also in architecture. But it had never appeared in music. So I decide to create first really cubistic song. So I drew a face from more angles. Then I simplified all parts to shapes. After that I composed a theme for every part and I put them together according to the picture. In the end I did several minor adjustments.

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