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Voicing/Instrumentation: Orchestra

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Peace (by Ricky Valadez)

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Lyrics: 1. If there’s a time to love let it be right now.
To try to understand another’s heart somehow.
Faith, hope and love like a river from above.
Streaming down to our minds teach us ‘help each other’.

2. If there’s a time for hope let it be right now.
To promise that the hurt will relieve somehow.
Calm, peace and joy beaming down like light from God.
Catching fires in our souls teach us love.

3. (Italian)
Ovedo il sogere del sole portando vita al giorno
in cui la pace brillera dei nostri occhi.
(English translation)
Oh I can see the sun rising up bringing life
To a day when peace will shine through our eyes dazzling bright.

4. If there’s a time to love let it be right now.
To try to understand another’s heart somehow.

Text: Ricky Valadez
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