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Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

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More about Connie Stauffer:
I was raised in Thatcher, Utah, a small town west of Tremonton on the north end of the state. Home is where I enjoy being the most. If I leave, it is usually for something very important. To relax or to waste a few minutes, I gravitate to my piano. My favorite thing to do is to turn out the lights when I'm alone and play to my heart's content. This is one way I find ideas for music. Another place where I've gotten more than a few ideas is when I've been exercising, whether it's walking the trails of Alpine, or riding my road bike. I think about my life and the issues of the day while walking, and those moments frequently end with music rattling through my head. I have a husband, five children and fourteen grandchildren - all of whom are the light of my life. I'd rather be with any one of them than just about anything. However, I do enjoy my solitude, which is probably why the hobby of writing music has been so appealing to me. My mother was my music teacher until she said I had outgrown her. I then took from a wonderful lady who helped shape me. Oh how I would love to have a sit-down visit with her. She probably knows me better than anyone, as she was there as I was in the process of becoming. I've been blessed with a husband who is the wind beneath my wings. He's made every possible sacrifice to encourage my music - whether just enjoying playing or writing. Were it not for his support, there is no way I could take it to the level where I can share it. The music on this site is music from my heart over the past 38+ years. It has been my solace through hard times and my joy through the good times. Much of it was "unsolicited" by me; it just came. Some of it has come through assignments or good people trusting me with their lyrics. All of it has been a miracle in my own eyes, as it was not something for which I was trained. My fingers somehow knew how to produce what was rattling through my head and by brute force it has found its way to paper. I hope you will enjoy it and let me know how you are using it. My website has much of what is here plus a lot of songs that do not fall into the "Sacred Music" genre. Feel free to visit it. I love suggestions and comments!
Song background:

A song waiting to be performed somewhere. I would be interested to know if you find a use for it. These are the kinds of things that rattle around my head as I'm cleaning, decorating and whatever else I'm doing. They generally keep rattling until I commit them to paper.

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Lyrics: Oh, the best time of the year to me
Is when we decorate our Christmas tree,
With pretty lights and tinsel fine,
A star on top that makes me think divine
Thoughts of Christmas many years ago
In Bethlehem where Mary held the baby Jesus there.
Oh, I love to decorate our tree.
It makes me feel warm and pleases me.
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