If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Chad Staten!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Chad Staten.
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Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Savior/Jesus Christ
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
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More about Chad Staten:
<PLEASE NOTE: I am migrating over to my own website. Please visit for access to more materials. Thanks!> Chad (Staten rhymes with Dayton) started on the violin in third grade in Logan, UT. At the age of eight, he sang in a stake primary children's choir at the Logan Tabernacle. This first real encounter with the organ deeply impressed him, and cemented in his mind a desire to play the organ. After his family moved to Beeville, a small town 60 miles from anywhere in south Texas during fifth grade, he switched to the piano because of limited orchestra resources in town. Chad was called to be a ward organist and choir accompanist starting in high school, and has served in those positions almost continuously ever since. He was an Organ Performance and Pedagogy major at BYU, where he studied with Richard Elliott, and played harpsichord and other instruments in the Early Music Ensemble under the direction of Doug Bush. He currently serves as a Guest Organist on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Chad loves to compose, particularly for choir and organ. To support his music addiction, he works as an airline pilot and enjoys playing many different pipe organs at various destinations in the United States and Canada. Please take a moment to let me know if you have enjoyed or found useful anything I have posted here. And of course, please tell me if you find any errors!
A couple of years ago, I decided to write a new hymn tune — "just because." Recently, I was digging through the music folder on my computer and came across it again. I emailed it to my friend, John Longhurst, to see what he thought. He made a couple of suggestions and said this "is a bright, optimistic tune that should work well with a variety of texts." I posted it here and asked if anyone would like to provide some words for my music. Becky Newson wrote in, saying "I've been having a nagging thought over the last couple weeks to make time to write a poem/hymn about love and grace. I was thinking I'd have to find someone to create some music for me, if I ever got that far. And then this shows up!" She penned these beautiful words. Since this is now a complete hymn, I'm taking down the posting of just the tune: STANSBURY (reference to Stansbury Island, not far from my home). Included now is a recording I made on the Hereford Cathedral organ with sort of a "conference" registration.

Lyrics: Our Savior, full of grace and truth,
Knows all God’s children dear.
He hears our silent, pleading prayers,
And wipes our every tear.
It matters not why we are lost;
He reaches from above,
Encircling us within His arms,
In everlasting love.
The moment we receive His gift,
His grace shall fill our hearts.
We’ll treasure love so freely giv’n,
Then turn to do our part:
For when we feel that change within,
His truth expands our view;
We’ll live bestowing that same love
In everything we do.
Encircled by our Savior’s love,
Our arms shall open wide
To gather in with charity,
And none shall be denied.
For in our weakness, grace is giv'n,
Sufficient for us all.
“Accept the goodness of our Lord!”
Shall be our joyous call!
For Christ came to the earth to save!
Oh, let our hearts rejoice!
Though Satan strives to lead astray,
We’ll make a better choice.
We’ll choose God’s love to fill our hearts,
And joy fill all our days.
His grace shall make us strong enough
To follow in His ways.