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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

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Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ

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Lyrics: One holy night in Bethlehem,
a child was born for sons of men.
And angels came from heav'n above
to tell the world of Jesus' love.

Aleluia! Aleluia!
Christ is born, the Son of God!

A little child so sweet and pure,
He was the key to heaven's door.
He gave us hope, He died for me!
I worship Him on bended knee.

Aleluia! Aleluia!
Christ is born, the Son of God!

The King of Kings, the Prince of Peace,
created worlds that never cease.
He came to earth to show God's plan
and live among His fellow man.

Aleluia! Aleluia!
Christ is born, the Son of God!

I humbly bow before Him now!
With happy heart I make this vow:
that I will think of Him each day
in all I do and all I say.

Aleluia! Aleluia!
Christ is born, the Son of God!

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