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Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo

We also have other 25 arrangements of "Once, In Royal David's City".

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Savior/Jesus Christ

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Song background:

I wanted to write a song for Christmas and I knew I wanted to write it in 6/8 timing. I loved  Sally DeFord’s arrangement of While Shepherd’s Watched their Flocks by Night and a Children’s song called Our Christmas Story Tree (look down the list), both in 6/8 time. I knew I had to write one too. When I was looking at the songs in the hymn book I saw this song and tried it out with 6/8 timing and it sounded really good. I didn’t know this song very well before I wrote this arrangement. I came to love this song more than ever and am so happy I decided to do it. The lyrics in the last verse are especially powerful to me.

You may also notice I added a verse. Verse 2 in this arrangement are my own words. I think it fits in pretty well. Hopefully you enjoy this song!

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