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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Michael Bailey!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SSAATB, SSATB

We also have other 3 arrangements of "On This Day of Joy and Gladness".

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Comments for this piece:
From Dayv Morgan: Love it! One of my favorite hymns
5.0 stars.

From Faye Orme: This is such a joyful arrangement! I love those diva (optional soprano note) moments to add an extra touch of beauty to this arrangement. Love the quick tempo that brings out the soul of this song.

From Justin: Absolutely beautiful arrangement. I am using it for my stake choir. We start practices in 3 weeks, and I cannot wait to see how it turns out. Gorgeous piece!
5.0 stars.

From Andrea: Such a beautiful, joyful piece!! 5 stars!
5.0 stars.

More about Michael Bailey:
My name is Michael Bailey and music has always been my first love in life. I graduated from BYU with a BA in Music and spent time in composition and orchestration and music recording. I enjoy getting feedback so please reach out to me if you listen and have comments!
Song background:

The day the bishopric confirmed we could resume choir this song immediately came to mind and I knew that was to be the next thing I worked on. Of course, after a month of rehearsals COVID just couldn't leave us be and we had to cancel practice. When it finally does calm down enough, this will be on our performance list. Hopefully there are some choirs out there who might get a chance at it sooner!

Sheet music playthrough video:
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