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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Hawryluk!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
We also have other 4 arrangements of "O Divine Redeemer".
See more from Andrew Hawryluk.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Ralph K. Gubler: Thanks for the song, I have a lady in Austria who would like this sung at her funeral. I was a missionary in Austria from 1966 - 1968 and met, taught, and baptized her in 1967. She has a "Mormon Tabernacle Choir" album which she loves to listen to. Thanks again,
From Letha Parsons: Just simply Beautiful! It's truly an elegantly composed rendition, while not being too complicated. It allows for feeing of interpretation without being heavily burdened in reading too much music. While playing the organ, it allowed room for my embellishments. Just perfect~~Thank You!
5.0 stars.
From Leslie: Absolutely fantastic arrangement. I like the simplicity of the organ part as it makes it easy to use on the piano. Also, the four parts makes it easy to write out parts for other instruments.
5.0 stars.
More about Andrew Hawryluk:
Many thanks to Andrew for letting us post his music.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Hawryluk!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
We also have other 4 arrangements of "O Divine Redeemer".
See more from Andrew Hawryluk.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Savior/Jesus Christ
Comments for this piece:
From Ralph K. Gubler: Thanks for the song, I have a lady in Austria who would like this sung at her funeral. I was a missionary in Austria from 1966 - 1968 and met, taught, and baptized her in 1967. She has a "Mormon Tabernacle Choir" album which she loves to listen to. Thanks again,
From Letha Parsons: Just simply Beautiful! It's truly an elegantly composed rendition, while not being too complicated. It allows for feeing of interpretation without being heavily burdened in reading too much music. While playing the organ, it allowed room for my embellishments. Just perfect~~Thank You!
5.0 stars.
From Leslie: Absolutely fantastic arrangement. I like the simplicity of the organ part as it makes it easy to use on the piano. Also, the four parts makes it easy to write out parts for other instruments.
5.0 stars.
More about Andrew Hawryluk:
Many thanks to Andrew for letting us post his music.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).This is another digital re-engraving of a classic choral work that is now in the public domain. The soprano part includes some high notes, and requires at least one voice with an attractive high A. Although the score indicates that the accompaniment is an organ part, it could also be nice with piano.
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