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Voicing/Instrumentation: Organ/Organ Accompaniment

We also have other 19 arrangements of "Now Let Us Rejoice".

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Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Second Coming/Millenium

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Song background:

Organ Accompaniment for the hymn, Now Let Us Rejoice, based off of the Choral arrangement by Paul Busselberg. In no disrepect to the original composer, this hymn has one of the least interesting parts and to me wasn't my favorite to play in church. But Paul Busselberg's arrangement and chord progressions make it, even if by just a litte, a more exciting and heartfelt song. 

This accompaniment includes an introduction, and the 2nd and 3rd verses. Verse 1 can played from the hymnal with the congregation singing parts, then just the melody on verses 2 and 3.

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