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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

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More about Donnalynn Grunewald:
Most of my music is original. Because I have lived in small branches for most of my life, I try to write songs that can be performed by a small group or a choir of inexperienced singers.
Song background:

Inspired by the account of Christ’s birth as recorded in the Book of Mormon. I originally wrote this as a unison piece for a very tiny choir in a very tiny branch. Many years later,  I met up with a young sister who had attended that branch as a child and recalled singing it. She told me it had been one of her favorites and she had remembered the lyrics for over twenty years! She inspired me to re-work the piece into an SAB voicing, and my current branch choir performed it at our Stake Carol Festival in 2012. Thanks to Rachel Bratt Howard for lighting a fire under me!

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Lyrics: Samuel the Lamanite stood upon a wall
And prophesied Christ’s coming. He would die to save us all.
The people mocked and doubted, but still the words rang clear:
“Repent ye, and prepare ye. The coming Lord is near.”

Chorus: A day and a night and a day shall appear as one.
Nevertheless, you have no need to fear
For a new star – the Savior’s star,
For a sign in the heavens shall appear.

When the signs were given, some people were afraid
And falling to the ground they wept, for they had not obeyed.
And others were rejoicing and praising God on high
For sending their Redeemer whose mortal birth was nigh.

Chorus: A day and a night and a day had appeared as one.
Nevertheless, they had no need to fear
For a new star – the Savior’s star,
For a sign in the heavens had appeared.

Now Jesus’ second coming we know is close at hand
When all the earth will crown Him the King of every land.

Chorus: When Jesus descends from on high every knee will bow.
Nevertheless, we have no need to fear.
For Emmanuel, the Morning Star,
With His hosts in the heavens shall appear.

A day and a night and a day…
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