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Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet

See more from Shaillé Claypool.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Heavenly Father
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Youth/Young Men/Young Women

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More about Shaillé Claypool:
I am a mom with five children. In my "spare time" I enjoy writing songs. I love the gift of music and believe it can have so much influence for good. All my sheet music is available for free download on my website: claypoolmusic.org
Song background:

There have been times in my life when I have felt alone.  At one such time, I read an address by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland that helped me remember that we are never alone - "Because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so....Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are.”  I know this is true!

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Lyrics: There are times when I feel alone,
Unsure if He’s aware of me.
With His works as the sands of the sea,
How can He really know me?

Dear child, you are never alone.
He's aware of your ev'ry need.
You are His and He knows His own,
Each child is precious indeed!

Our Father loves each of His children
He wants us to return to Him again.
He knew we could not make it on our own,
He sent His Son for us to atone.
Christ walked His path alone,
So that we would never be alone.

Now when I see another alone,
Feeling lost, unsure and in need
I will share with them this truth,
These words are also for you:

Dear child, you are never alone.
He's aware of your ev'ry need.
You are His and He knows His own,
Each child is precious indeed!


We are never alone!

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