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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Adrienne Foster Potter!
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More about Adrienne Foster Potter:
--Majored in Music Theory/Composition at U of U and BYU. Studied under Lowell Durham and Bro. Sardoni. --Wrote first song at age 16. --Plays guitar, sings, plays piano, bass, and organ. --Published first songs online in 1995. ----Have had songs performed in various wards and stakes around the country and for regional YA events. Writer, artist, and musician who likes to do projects involving all three of these venues. She has published 12 books on Amazon.com as well as many illustrated, free stories for kids at www.kidsread.info. Thirty Music videos at https://www.youtube.com/@Moods4U
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Adrienne Foster Potter!
See more from Adrienne Foster Potter.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
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More about Adrienne Foster Potter:
--Majored in Music Theory/Composition at U of U and BYU. Studied under Lowell Durham and Bro. Sardoni. --Wrote first song at age 16. --Plays guitar, sings, plays piano, bass, and organ. --Published first songs online in 1995. ----Have had songs performed in various wards and stakes around the country and for regional YA events. Writer, artist, and musician who likes to do projects involving all three of these venues. She has published 12 books on Amazon.com as well as many illustrated, free stories for kids at www.kidsread.info. Thirty Music videos at https://www.youtube.com/@Moods4U
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).The true story of the night before Christmas: When evil men wanted to kill all those who believed that Jesus would come, and so Nephi prayed that the saints would be spared. The Savior appeared to him and told him that He would be born the next day, and all the signs would appear.
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A thousand years before His birth the prophets told the signs,
The star, the lights, the wonders that would tell of God's designs.
The spirit then bore witness that the words they spoke were true;
To faithful followers of Christ who heard and felt and knew;
And far across the ocean in a different promised land,
Another tribe survived and thrived just as the Lord had planned;
They worshiped as their fathers did and waited for the day,
When light would fill the day and night and chase the dark away;
He came just as he said he said he would to save the sons of men;
He came and lived and loved and died and He will come again.
But as the holy day came near the wicked interfered;
and set a day to slay the saints because no signs appeared.
So Nephi knelt and bowed his head and raised a mighty prayer;
And heard the Savior speaking in a voice so still and rare;
"Oh lift your head, and be of cheer, behold the time is near,
For on the morrow I will come and soon the signs appear,
And all the words that spoke my holy prophets who were killed,
And all the things that I've made known to man will be fulfilled."
As He was born in Bethlehem the promised star appeared;
Across the world the sun went down as twilight would have neared;
But darkness never came that night and righteous hearts rejoiced;
As from the saints around the world a thankful prayer was voiced;
A new babe in the manger and a new star in the sky;
And now a new law given us by which to lived and die;
Now all the old is done away and everything is news;
And all the words the prophets spoke are proven to be true.
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