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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Craig M Moore!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Craig M Moore.
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More about Craig M Moore:
Music is an avocation: piano at 8, F Horn at 12, trumpet at 16, school & church choirs and small group singing from 12. BA - Music & BBA - Finance @ Boise State 1982. My daily career is as a corporate lawyer in Spokane, WA. I have served in church music callings nearly all of my adult life. Due to MS, since about 2017, I have been writing and arranging hymns and children's music more, and accompanying or performing less. I seem to put a few works out each year, which is more than I expected when I started. Having participated in many different wards and their choirs, one of my primary objectives is to make the music interesting, but not intimidating for a typical ward or accompanist.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Craig M Moore!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Craig M Moore.
Related song categories are:
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Joseph Smith
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Joseph Smith
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
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More about Craig M Moore:
Music is an avocation: piano at 8, F Horn at 12, trumpet at 16, school & church choirs and small group singing from 12. BA - Music & BBA - Finance @ Boise State 1982. My daily career is as a corporate lawyer in Spokane, WA. I have served in church music callings nearly all of my adult life. Due to MS, since about 2017, I have been writing and arranging hymns and children's music more, and accompanying or performing less. I seem to put a few works out each year, which is more than I expected when I started. Having participated in many different wards and their choirs, one of my primary objectives is to make the music interesting, but not intimidating for a typical ward or accompanist.
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A few of my favorite hymns are I Know that My Redeemer Lives, I Stand All Amazed and I Believe in Christ. All three are testimonies set to music. Some people have a hard time publicly bearing testimony, but they may find it easier to sing a testimony. My Mom, who died at age 91 in May 2018, was one of those. So I thought I would compose another hymn of testimony. My Testimony addresses the role of the Holy Ghost (verse 1), our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ (v. 2), the Prophet Joseph Smith, restoration and Book of Mormon (v. 3), and living prophets and apostles (v. 4).

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