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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Shaillé Claypool!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Primary Children/Primary Solo, Vocal Solo

See more from Shaillé Claypool.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Heavenly Father
Trust in God
Primary with Choir or Adults

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More about Shaillé Claypool:
I am a mom with five children. In my "spare time" I enjoy writing songs. I love the gift of music and believe it can have so much influence for good. All my sheet music is available for free download on my website: claypoolmusic.org
Song background:

This song is based off the story of the currant bush, originally told by Elder Hugh B. Brown, and retold here by Elder Christofferson: https://www.mormonchannel.org/watch/series/mormon-messages/the-will-of-god-2​
God truly is our loving Gardener. As we have faith in Him and His plan for us, He will help us become so much more than we could be on our own.
"The gospel of Jesus Christ...shows us how to become what our Heavenly Father desires us to become." ~ Elder Oaks
​"Enduring chastening can refine us and prepare us for greater spiritual privileges." ~ Elder Christofferson

You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: A gardener tending to his land,
Found a currant bush too tall,
No berries grew upon the bush,
So he pruned it down so small.

But the bush appeared to cry,
"How could this be?" It questioned why.
"I was growing every day,"
Then it heard the gardener say:

"I am the gardener here,
I know what you can be,
Someday you'll understand,
For now, have faith in me."

I am like the currant bush,
I am growing every day.
I may believe I know what's best,
And I want to have my way.

But the gardener comes along,
He prunes me down so lovingly.
I resist this unknown way,
Then I hear the gardener say:


And when I'm filled with precious fruit, I will say:
Thank you, my Gardener. I'll always trust Thy way.
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