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Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
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Children's Songs
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I was reading a talk suggested by a Relief Society instructor: “A Sin Resistant Generation” by Joy D. Jones. One phrase struck me: “There is unusual power in making and keeping covenants with our Heavenly Father. The adversary knows this, so he has obscured the concept of covenant making.”
I thought, “If Satan wants children to be confused about what covenants are then I’m going to write a song about that. A song to help children remember what covenants are. ‘ I Will Not Forget My Covenants’ is what I should call it.”
I came up with the first verse very quickly. When it came time for a chorus I really wanted to be inspired so I took it to the temple. While sitting in the chapel, waiting for a session to start, I opened The Book of Mormon with full belief that I would find my answer. I flipped opened to Alma chapter 31. In verse 36 it mentioned that Alma “clapped his hands upon all them.” He gave these people the Holy Ghost (an ordinance, associated with baptism). Then in verse 38 it says, “And the Lord provided for them…and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ.”
There have been many songs about Christ but none where I heard that phrase, “joy of Christ.” It is so beautiful. I almost felt that the phrase was written just for me. In further searching, it is the only place in all scriptures where that exact phrase is used.
When I took this song to an editor, my heart was elated when he told me when I sang the part of this song where there is a pause between the lyrics, “I will not forget” and “my covenants” he thought, “Wait, what am I not supposed to forget? Oh, my covenants.” That is exactly what I wanted! Hopefully children will pause to wonder (and always remember) the same thing.
The 2nd and 3rd verse came so easily I knew I had heaven’s help.
Thus, this song was born.
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Lyrics: A cov’nant is a promise, a promise that I make
With my Heav’nly Father on my baptism day
I promise to serve and keep God’s commands.
Great blessings await on the covenant path.
I’ll feel the joy of Christ enter into my life.
Eternity’s real. My cup is filled
When I keep my covenants.
Sometimes I stray from the path
But true repentance brings
Sins that wash away and leave my hands pure and clean.
As I take the bread and water each week
I’ll cleave to the Savior and he’ll strengthen me.
When I enter the temple I’ll find myself prepared
To keep greater cov’nants that I’ll be making there.
The light I receive will give me great strength
To make righteous choices and reach up with faith.