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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Danielle Isaacson!

We also have other 41 arrangements of "My Heavenly Father Loves Me/Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird".

See more from Danielle Isaacson.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Children's Songs
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father

Comments for this piece:
From Genevieve Kopping: Beautiful piece!
5.0 stars.

Song background:

My husband’s college roommate played this song on his guitar and I wrote some piano to go with it. I took the music I wrote and made it for just piano and voice. I love that it has a pop sound but still very beautiful. I don’t think that would have happened had I not written it to a guitar part first.

Feel free to change up the voicing however you want. Because it has a pop sound, there are a lot of ways to sing it that sound great! I just kind of wrote out about what I sing.

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