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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Diane Tuiofu!
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See more from Toni Thomas.
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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Flute Optional Obbligato/Flute Accompaniment
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for this piece (opens in a new window)."My Garden" speaks of the garden of the heart, which must be dutifully yielded to the Gardener to keep it clear of pride and free of impurity.
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Lyrics: Verse 1
In my garden, my still, small space,
Weeds have claimed the flower's place.
My straight and narrow garden path
Is choked by vice that finds the cracks
In my resolve.
How I regret forgetting Him!
It's time to let the Gardener in.
Verse 2
In my garden, my soul's repose,
My pride unchecked soon overgrows.
It blocks the light and heavenly dew
The flowers thirst--scant filters through
Pride's deathly shade.
How soon neglect the sunlight dims!
It's time to let the Gardener in!
Behold He's knocking at the gate
My heart I'll open to Him
I'll grow again my sin forgiven
Father grant thy perfect pardon.
Behold He's knocking at the gate
Christ waits with love unfailing.
His hands still bear the marks so telling
Of His labor in the garden.
Verse 3
In my garden, now clear of sin,
I'm free to walk the path again.
Bright virtue blooms, sweet fragrant smell,
Look! In my tree has come to dwell
The Holy Dove.
I'll come to hear His song again
And daily let The Gardener in.
Repeat Chorus
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