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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Orchestra
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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Orchestra
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Lyrics: A Tribute to the Fallen of Ancient and Modern Times
Text from Mormon 6:10-22 (modified), with place names from modern LDS Church history.
In 4 sections that play without break.
[1 - Aftermath of BaTTLE]
[General Mormon walks among the slain, ascends the Hill Cumorah, and surveys the field.]
[2 - Butcher Bill - traditional military term for the casualty list]
[He names some of the leaders of his troops; the choir recites names of places associated with modern LDS persecution and martyrdom.]
"My men were hewn down ... and I fell wounded in the midst... [I]... beheld on the morrow... the ten thousand of my people who were [slain]...
"The ten thousand... led by my son Moroni (moe-ROE-nigh) [had fallen]...
"The ten thousand of Gidgiddonah (gid-gih-DOE-nah) had fallen, and he also in the midst."
"Cumorah, Palmyra" [0 - Link from ancient to modern times]
"Lamah (LAY-mah) had fallen with his ten thousand; Gilgal (GILL-gal) had fallen with his ten thousand;"
"Hiram Ohio" [1]
| "Limhah (LIMM-hah) ...with his ten thousand; Jeneum (JINN-ee-um) ... with his ten thousand; Cumenihah (koo-muh-NIGH-hah), Moronihah (moe-roe-NIGH-hah), | Antionum (an-tee-OH-num), Shiblom (SHIB-lum), Shem (SHEM), and Josh (JOSH), had fallen with their ten thousand each."
| "Fishing River [2], Gallatin [3], Crooked River [4], Haun's Mill [5], Far West [6], Liberty Jail [7]."
"There were ten more who did fall... with their ten thousand each;"
"Carthage jail [8]."
"Yea, even all my people... had fallen; their flesh, and bones, and blood lay upon the [ground]... to crumble and to return to their mother earth..."
"Nauvoo the Beautiful [9], Winter Quarters [10], High Plains [11], Utah War [12], Martin's Cove [13]."
"My soul was rent with anguish, because of the slain of my people, and I cried:"
[3 - Keening]
"[O ye fair ones, how could ye have fallen? O ye fair ones, how could ye have died?]"
"O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you! Ye are fallen, and I mourn your loss."
"O ye fair sons and daughters, ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands and wives, ye fair ones, how is it that ye could have fallen!"
"[O ye fair ones, how could ye have fallen? O ye fair ones, how could ye have died?]"
"But behold, ye are gone, and my sorrows cannot bring your return."
"O that ye had repented [ere] this great destruction had come upon you."
[4 - Farewell]
"But behold, ye are gone, and... the Eternal Father of heaven... doeth with you according to his justice and mercy."
"[Judge them according to thy justice and mercy.]"
"[Ye fair ones, farewell.]"
(0) Cumorah, Palmyra - (link from ancient to modern times)
(1) Hiram OH (24 March 1832 - Joseph Smith tarred/feathered)
(2) Fishing River MO (June 1834 - Zion's Camp - mob scattered by storm; cholera outbreak)
(3) Gallatin MO (6 Aug 1838 - election day violence)
(4) Crooked River MO (25 Oct 1838 - Apostle David Patten killed)
(5) Haun's Mill MO (28 Oct 1838 - massacre)
(6) Far West MO (31 Oct 1838 - mob violence, arrest of Joseph Smith)
(7) Liberty Jail MO (Nov 1838 - Apr 1839 - Joseph Smith et al.)
(8) Carthage Jail IL (27 June 1844 - Joseph & Hyrum Smith martyred)
(9) Nauvoo IL (4 Feb 1846 - Saints leave for west)
(10) Winter Quarters NE (Winter 1846 - 1847 - illness)
(11) High Plains (1846 - on - exodus)
(12) Utah War (1857)
(13) Martin's Cove WY (Oct 1856 - handcart company)
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