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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Whitney Hawker!
We also have other 32 arrangements of "More Holiness Give Me".
See more from Whitney Hawker.
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More about Whitney Hawker:
Whitney Hawker, M.M. and NCTM, lives with her family in Washington. She loves composing for her students & for herself. Recordings of hymns are available on Apple Music, iTunes, and Spotify.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Whitney Hawker!
We also have other 32 arrangements of "More Holiness Give Me".
See more from Whitney Hawker.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
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More about Whitney Hawker:
Whitney Hawker, M.M. and NCTM, lives with her family in Washington. She loves composing for her students & for herself. Recordings of hymns are available on Apple Music, iTunes, and Spotify.
Song background:
In a world that seeks to distract us with the “More is more” philosophy, this song always reminds me of what I really need more of in this life. I love the lyrics written by Phillip Bliss that remind us how to become more like our Savior.
Written for as a vocal solo for a soprano and piano accompaniment (early advanced). Music has been arranged in a quick moving 3/4 time signature (different from the original 4/4 hymn). Appropriate for sacrament meetings, funeral performances, or special numbers.
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