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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Erin Guy!
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More about Erin Guy:
Erin has been singing and playing the piano since she was a young girl. After taking a songwriting class at Weber State University, she became hooked on writing her own music and arranging others. She lives in Utah with her family.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Erin Guy!
See more from Erin Guy.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Trust in God
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Trust in God
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More about Erin Guy:
Erin has been singing and playing the piano since she was a young girl. After taking a songwriting class at Weber State University, she became hooked on writing her own music and arranging others. She lives in Utah with her family.
Song background:
Sheet music playthrough video:
I wrote this song a while ago and decided to update it. Thought I'd share it on here in case anyone was interested in the sheet music. Skip to 1:22 in the video to hear the song. :)
We're all works in progress and that's okay, because we're in the Master's hands.
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Lyrics: Am I enough?
I try harder every day to change
But my efforts never seem to measure up.
I feel so unbrave.
And the bullies in my mind
Whisper I'm a waste of time.
They say I'm not worth much.
But when I start to believe that I should give up
A kinder voice says to me
You're my masterpiece
I've got you in my hands
Sculpting you and carving you
Into something grand
So give me all your pieces
Both the good and bad and soon you'll see
You are a masterpiece.
What can I do
To put the past behind me and move on?
Cause I don't feel strong.
My weaknesses stand out
Like lightning in the clouds.
I think I'm not worth much.
But when I start to believe that I should give up
A loving voice says to me
Every choice becomes a brushstroke
On the canvas of my soul.
The light and darkness I experience
Works to make the picture whole.
And though I can't see all the details
And I may not understand
I'll give Him my heart
And place my trust in the Master's plan.
Cause I know
I'm His masterpiece
He's got me in His hands.
Sculpting me and carving me
Into something grand.
I'll give Him all my pieces
Both the good and bad
Until I see
I am a masterpiece
*Repeat Chorus*
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