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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Rachel Arrington!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 27 arrangements of "Master, the Tempest Is Raging".

See more from Rachel Arrington.

Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God

Comments for this piece:
From Terrill Hubert: This is hands down my favorite piece I have ever done with my choir. Even when it was rough and barely recognizeable at the beginning, it gave me chills every time. It is so compelling with the imagery and raw pleading. This arrangement very naturally lends to dynamics and expression. It will require a little more time and effort to master for the typical ward choir but my choir is so excited for this piece and it has been well worth the effort. We are presenting it for our ward conference as it is a special song for us. I strongly recommend getting the larger type as it is much more user-friendly. Thank you Rachel Arrington for this inspiring arrangement; I have been looking for a satisfying arrangement of this song for years and this one is outstanding. I will be looking for more arrangements from you! Thank you for sharing your talent.
5.0 stars.

From Christina: This is one of the most beautiful hymn arrangements I have ever encountered in many years as a ward choir director. I have often been frustrated that the music to this hymn seems incapable of fully communicating the beautiful struggle of faith present in the words. This arrangement does it perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiration!
5.0 stars.

From Sheryl Martineau: Amazing! How would you feel about putting it into Spanish? The gospel library on your phone has it in Spanish.
5.0 stars.

From Jimmy Palmer: This has been my favorite hymn arrangement since I found it 3 years ago. I listen to it whenever I'm depressed and the spirt comforts me. Thank you again Rachel!
5.0 stars.

From Don Bugg: I'm so glad I came across this one and took a chance on it. It is the most exhilarating and moving piece I've ever performed with a ward choir.
5.0 stars.

From Kerrie Weitzel: I love this arrangement! It is one of my all-time favorite choral hymn arrangements. I wasn't sure if my choir could do it, but I played it for them to give them a chance before I invited a small group. They fell in love and made the commitment. We gave it several months to learn well, and choir attendance increased. They loved it so much, they would ask to have longer rehearsals to have "just one more run all the way through." I was also able to have a Stake Choir perform it. You can listen here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1E3NKlwUnyF5LJaVR0UEA0dczsEhwSM30
5.0 stars.

From Mike Richardson: Rachel! You've done something profound here. Definitely inspired. I've always loved this hymn, and also used to sing it to my children, and to myself, when there were various storms in our lives, and we needed calming. Now our ward choir is practicing this arrangement, and it is universally loved by all of the choir members. I can't get it out of my head! Oh, and thank you for arranging an interesting bass part :)
5.0 stars.

From Don Bugg: The most exhilarating thing I've ever performed with a ward choir. Simply superb. Directing it was a privilege and an honor.
5.0 stars.

From Dr Dennis Beukes: Beautiful arrangement. A big thank you.
5.0 stars.

From Ryan H. Turner: I am absolutely blown away by the sheer magnitude of the song and its lyrics on its own. But then along comes this arrangement which is a marriage of the MUSICALITY that I wish we could have WAY more of in ward choirs....and a spiritual "punch in the gut", especially starting at the first time when the 4 parts split into their own "pleading". Good GRIEF!!! It's AMAZING!! If you are a ward choir director and you have a choir with the chops to push themselves, GET THIS ARRANGEMENT NOW!!!!
5.0 stars.

From Daniel: Just amazing! I had 5 people come up to me after sharing it asking forA THAT ARRANGEMENT. (: A choice experience to learn and then share with others -- it's not an easy song, but well worth the effort to learn. Perhaps better suited to a devotional or stake conference than a sacrament meeting. That's a personal choice, though.
5.0 stars.

From Justin Martin : This is my most favorite piece! I listen to this all the time. I had my stake choir do this in May, and it turned out so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your talents.
5.0 stars.

From Justin Martin : This is my most favorite piece! I listen to this all the time. I had my stake choir do this in May, and it turned out so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your talents.
5.0 stars.

From Julie: This song is a FANTASTIC choir piece. Perfect for Come Follow Me study this year, and so well crafted that you can practically feel the winds and the wave, and the sigh of relief when Heavenly help comes. Just beautiful!
5.0 stars.

From Grit Moore: This is a most inspired rendition of this hymn. We sang this in our ward choir and felt the most incredible outpouring of the spirit. It is absolutely incredible!! I truly straggle to express what my feel. I do want to say: Than you to the composer!! This is an amazing work of art that allows all to feel the love and power of the Savior!! It is so, so beautiful!!
5.0 stars.

From L Bright: This arrangement just speaks to my heart and says all the things I can't express. Thank you so much!
5.0 stars.

From L Bright: This arrangement just speaks to my heart and says all the things I can't express. Thank you so much!
5.0 stars.

Song background:

Intermediate difficulty. 5 page version (ideal for fitting on a piano!) and 12 page version (easier to read) available.

While my family was on a summer camping trip, a violent wind storm came up and forced us to take down our tent and retreat to inside our vehicle. As my husband and I frantically threw everything into the trailer, our four tiny kids were frightened and cuddling together inside the van. When we got in I told them the story of Jesus calming the storm, and sang them "Master, the Tempest is Raging" for the first time. In particular, we talked about the line, "No water can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean and earth and skies!" and talked about how we are the ship, and how our faith and Jesus will keep us safe and steady no matter what happens in life. For weeks afterward, my two littlest would ask for me to sing that at bedtime every night, and as I became more familiar with the words, this arrangement took shape in my mind.

I've tried to portray this song as a progression of faith. The first verse, with its alternating major/minor sections shows a desire to have faith, but wavering a bit when met with trials. The second verse is deeply personal in its wording and setting. It shows the struggle of trial or grief, crying out in desperation, and the thunder of the storm--followed by the sudden peaceful rocking of the boat on calm waters. The third verse is meant to portray tentative, but growing confidence in the saving power of our Redeemer, and ultimately, peace. I have come to love this song deeply as I have worked on this arrangement, and I hope it will be enjoyable to those who may choose to use it! 

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