If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Debbie Wood!
Voicing/Instrumentation: 2 part choir, Duet, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
See more from Debbie Wood.
Visit composer's personal website.
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
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More about Debbie Wood:
How I love my mother, Brenda; my very first teacher in life. When I was eight, I had a desire to learn to play the piano and she began teaching me about the different notes. Then in Jr. High, my music teacher, Marvin Hill, understood the power of chords, and in one month, changed my life. Over the years, I've written different songs, both upon request, and to express the emotion I was feeling at the time. Each of these songs has a story of how it was written. (Which can also be found at Each of these songs I dedicate to our loving Father in Heaven and Savior, Jesus Christ. I know They live. I know They love us perfectly and give us gifts and talents to share with others and make this world a better place. How grateful I am to Them for all I've been blessed with.
A sweet friend of mine, Dona Hill, is a master poet and has such a way with words, as you will see in this fun, upbeat song. This could easily be a duet (or divide the choir or group in half) and have each side sing every other phrase.
When Pres. HInckley came out with 'Way to Be" I could relate to many of the virtues he was espousing in his book, as I also wrote songs stressing virtues.
I spoke with Dona about the possibility of writing a song about gaining an education and encouraging youth to be smart and she emailed me these words in poem format, so I attempted to put them to music.
(See "I want to Be True!" - also by Dona.)
(Sorry for this midi .mp3 - it makes it seem like this song has no feeling, pauses or slowing of any kind. I hope to do a better recording, but for now this will give you an idea of how it sounds.)
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Lyrics: 1 Schooling is rewarding in many, many ways
Learning marks the winners path, education pays
Abundant lives result from those who follow through
The world will see our strengths and honors will ensue
If I keep on learning and every truth embrace
I can help to make this world a better place
Building on the legacy of those who've gone before
Life will be fulfilling, now and evermore (*Chorus)
2 I'll learn the Savior's teachings and read His sacred word
Heed the quiet voice He promised could be heard.
By study and by faith with diligence I'll seek
To teach the words of wisdom He would have me speak
Discerning truth from error requires constant care
To avoid the devil's darts, I'll rely on prayer
I'll graduate from "earth school" and be all I can be
Earning honors with a Celestial Degree! (*Chorus)
CHORUS: I am the master of my destiny. The things I learn in "earth school" are mine eternally,
and so I'll study, each talent utilize, be smart and knowledge gain; seek truth and I'll be wise.