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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

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Related song categories are:
Instrumental Music or New Age

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More about Justin K. Reeve:
Justin Reeve is a native of Utah, and has played the piano for over 30 years, and has composed his own musical compositions and arrangements for most of that time. He loves performing in the community, and has done so for social gatherings, conferences, devotionals, assisted living centers, and is a regular pianist at McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden. Outside his music, Justin is a software engineer and educational technology consultant, and a husband and father of four.
Song background:

Accompaniment tracks available at https://music.justinreeve.com/marys-boy-child/

"Mary's Boy Child" was written by singer, composer, conductor, and actor Jester Hairston in 1956. Hairston, a grandson of American slaves, dedicated himself to preserving African-American Spirituals and their rich history. After Hairston wrote the song, Harry Belafonte made the first recording which topped the charts for nine weeks in 1957. Others have released their own versions as well, perhaps the most well-known being by Boney M., whose Caribbean-themed rendition became a best-seller in the UK in 1978.

The sheet music kind of has the hands going all over the place with lots of repeating octaves and some slight off-keys to mimic the effect of a toy piano. Don't feel intimidated, though. It's an extremely repetitive song, and once you get the melody, you shouldn't feel constrained by the notes on the page. Try skipping notes and just playing whatever you feel comfortable with, or add your own flair. I wouldn't play it the same way twice myself.

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