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Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Orchestra
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ralph S. Gardner II!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Orchestra
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Lyrics: 3-8 Scene
You seem to say, we want a shepherd to guide and lead us. All that want to draw away part of the Church after them, let them do so if they can, but they will not prosper.
What do you want? I want to weep and mourn, but all of us should rise up, shake ourselves, and do the will of the Lord. We must discharge those duties God has placed upon us. I must discharge those duties God has placed upon me. The Church must go on!
But here is Rigdon, who was counselor to Joseph.
I ask, where are Joseph and Hyrum? They are gone beyond the veil; and if Rigdon wants to be his counselor, he must go where he is.
Much has been said about Rigdon leading the people.
If the people want Rigdon to lead them, they may have him; but I say unto you that the Quorum of the Twelve have the keys of the kingdom of God in all the world.
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