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Voicing/Instrumentation: Orchestra, Trio
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ralph S. Gardner II!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Orchestra, Trio
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Lyrics: 2-13 Scene
(The scene is the same as before. However, it is morning, and the Saints are gathering to walk into Nauvoo, where a conference of the Church is to be held.)
Let's go before the Governor gets here.
Let him ease his choked-up conscience.
He tickles my gorge like a feather with his ill-advised talk.
When he heard of the murder, they say he thought we would release the Legion upon him.
We should have.
We swagger with platitudes and covenants, and to what purpose? The Carthage Greys ended the comedy before the jail. Ford directed their performance by disbanding the Legion.
Do not protest too much. The Prophet is gone. The Twelve gather in Nauvoo for the conference.
Show me what can be done! Brigham should go to school with the children. Can he ever be what we have lost?
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