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Voicing/Instrumentation: TB, Duet, Orchestra
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Ralph S. Gardner II!
Voicing/Instrumentation: TB, Duet, Orchestra
See more from Ralph S. Gardner II.
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Lyrics: 2-9 Scene
YOUNG (Approaching)
Will he never have his rest?
He is brought to and fro, wandering in death.
We must be watchful, we must go secretly.
Until a chapel can be built.
A chapel?
Where the Saints may come to honor their Prophet.
And did he leave us nothing?
We must guard what remains.
Nothing more?
At Kirtland the voices of the past rose behind the veil,
As if carried in the arms of morning.
Joseph spoke and the vision of time was upon him.
Can that be again? What he received is ours.
Let us keep him apart in Adam-ondi-ahman.
Let us fulfill the promise of Canaan
And rest in the land and remember him.
The Twelve remain.
What of the Twelve? We have Joseph.
They lead. The Church cannot remain here among its enemies.
It will wither as the vine in the land of Joseph's death.
The voices come round me again.
Here he lies, waiting for his peace
When we have found ours.
His enemies will know his quiet spirit
That like a summer cloud gleams white
Over the fields of Zion. This is the soft land,
Where maize and grain fill our arms.
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