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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Moore!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Choir Unison, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison

See more from Andrew Moore.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge

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Song background:

"Lord, We Meet on This Thy Sabbath" - A hymn inspired by the gathering of Saints around the world at General Conference time to "hearken to the Lord's annointed" and "hearken to the counsel given".    #LDSConf

Please visit  www.LDSmusicalitems.co.uk for individual soprano, alto, tenor and bass audio clips to assist with learning the parts!   Also available are more hymns - both alternative tunes and new/original hymns. 

Hymn updated May 2020.

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Lyrics: Lord, We Meet on This Thy Sabbath

1. Lord, we meet on this Thy Sabbath,
Saints assembled near and far,
Hearts and voices sing for joy
As we seek Thy guiding pow'r.

We'll hearken to the Lord's annointed,
Hearken to the counsel giv'n,
Strength through faith and righteousness,
May our souls receive this day.

2. Following the Spirit's promptings,
Unto Thee we come prepared;
Inspiration from above
Through the pow'r of fast and prayer.


3. Let Thy will and word be spoken,
Let Thy servants testify
Of Thy love and hope for us
In our search for truth and light.


4. May Thy message, pure and sacred,
Touch our lives and lift the soul;
Wisdom shared throughout the world,
For Thy love extends to all.


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