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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Greg Swensen!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Greg Swensen.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Missionary Work

Comments for this piece:
From MelanieS: Wonderful, beautiful song which captures the hearts of children to follow the Savior eagerly.
5.0 stars.

More about Greg Swensen:
I grew up in Provo, Utah and have enjoyed music from a young age. I started piano lessons at age 6 and continued until I was 18. I studied with Dr. Paul Pollei, BYU piano faculty member, for 3 years. I also love singing and sang with the BYU Men's Chorus, Seattle Ensign Chorus, and other choirs. I'm currently a Software Engineer living in Lehi UT with my wife and three children.
Song background:

My ward's primary leaders were looking for new songs for singing time to go along with the 2020 youth theme of "Go and Do".  They asked me if I would consider writing something.  When I thought about it, I wanted to try and capture the enthusiasm and optimism of children when they choose to follow the Lord.  I think there's an energy that young children have that can motivate and energize all of us to be a little better and try a little harder.  Additionally, this song tries to convey that their exuberance is not just blind obedience, but that even as children they can receive revelation to give them direction.  When they "jump up" and go and do they are doing the Lord's work.

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Lyrics: I listen for the Spirit's voice to whisper to my heart,
and when I hear the Lord's command I'll stand and do my part!
I won't stop! I won't waver! I want to serve my Savior,
so I'll jump up and go and do!

I want to be a soldier in the army of God's youth.
I want to share his gospel and bring others to the truth!
I won't stop! I won't waver! I want to serve my Savior,
so I'll jump up and go and do!

The Lord needs children who listen for his voice
and seek for revelation when they need to make a choice.

So I'll be ready and be watching for how I can serve.
I'll do my best to listen and to live the Savior's word!
I won't stop! I won't waver! I want to serve my Savior,
so I'll jump up and go and do!

When the Lord gives commands, He always has a plan!
So I'll jump up and go and do!

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