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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Michael K. Rollins!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment, Piano Duet/Piano Ensemble, Trumpet

We also have other 57 arrangements of "Joy to the World".

See more from Michael K. Rollins.

Related song categories are:
Second Coming/Millenium
Choir with Congregation together in certain spots
Piano 4-hand as accompaniment

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More about Michael K. Rollins:
MICHAEL K. ROLLINS is a humble data scientist by weekday, but moonlights as a musician: pianist, organist, conductor, arranger, transcriber, and occasional ukulele player. His musical preferences include musical theatre, traditional jazz, classical, sacred, barbershop harmony, and marching band. Classically trained, he'll talk music theory to your heart's content. Michael's musical career got a start by accompanying church choirs and congregations at the age of 12, and founding a barbershop quartet and leading church choirs at 18. At 26, he crossed “conduct a musical theatre pit orchestra” off his bucket list. In his 30's, he has been asked to conduct and arrange for choirs for special events in the Kirtland Ohio area. Married to a singer, they enjoy creating music together at home and church. Thanks mom for making me practice!
Song background:

Have you played all the Sally Deford Christmas songs with combined organ/piano and you're looking for more? This arrangement of "Joy to the World" calls for 4 hands on piano and 2 hands on organ--plus optional trumpets! The piano and trumpet parts are available as a PDF here, and the organist plays hymn #201 from the hymnal.

This arrangement (more of an instrumental add-on) is designed to supplement a congregational singing of the song: there's no devations from the original chords or rhythms that would confuse a congregation. We've done this in 3 different wards to great success, but have learned that the trumpets may overwhelm a smaller congregation. En-joy!

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