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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Michael Bailey!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SSAATB

We also have other 57 arrangements of "Joy to the World".

See more from Michael Bailey.

Related song categories are:
Second Coming/Millenium
Choir with Congregation together in certain spots

Comments for this piece:
From shana bernabeu: beautiful ! Thank you for sharing !i love the differences in the verses especially the 3rd no more droop in sin verse.
5.0 stars.

More about Michael Bailey:
My name is Michael Bailey and music has always been my first love in life. I graduated from BYU with a BA in Music and spent time in composition and orchestration and music recording. I enjoy getting feedback so please reach out to me if you listen and have comments!
Song background:

Update: 12-28-2022

The you tube video presented on this page is not mine. It was shared with me as a gift from the Sheltering-In Choir of FPC Downey. Remote contributions from: Rebecca King Sommer, soprano; Julmina Elizabeth Marcelo, alto; Marius Evangelista, tenor; Norm Evangelista, bass, piano, and GarageBand.They are incredible singers and highly recommend listening to some of their other pieces available on you tube.

Several years ago our choir did a Christmas medley that included choir and congregation sections. There was so much positive feedback that we're doing it again. Rather than a single medley, the plan is to do 4 or 5 individual pieces. Here is the first installment. When my first daughter, Abby, was young we used to put on a Christmas concert DVD alot for her. I think this is the first song she ever learned (which is fun because her name means 'Joy' of the father of cause of 'Joy'). I think this might be our finale piece - it's challenging and has some higher rance notes but our choir always comes though. What I love about this song is that it focuses on Christs return to earth. So rather than a looking back at the past, it focuses on the future. There's alot of fanfare and such in this arrangement and that was intentional. Making a joyful sound that is still appropriate for a sacrament meeting is challenging, but my hope is that many of you will be able to use this arrangement as well. as always, I'm open to feedback you may have.

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