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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 57 arrangements of "Joy to the World".

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Related song categories are:
Second Coming/Millenium
French Horn

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More about Keith Rowley:
I recently retired as the Technical Services Librarian in the Utah Valley University Library. Besides my masters in Library Science I also have a masters in Music.
Song background:

My choir director wanted me to arrange an easy choir version of Joy to the World with a French Horn solo. She said "For Joy to the World, let’s use the parts out of the hymn book. If you want to tinker with the accompaniment, that would be welcome. Interludes between verses would probably be good."

For this arrangement I put the choir in the key of C for the first 3 verses with a transposition to D for the fourth verse. Each verse has a two measure introduction (or transition) before the verse. The unison phrase for the first verse is the only variance from the hymn book for the choir. The tinkering of the accompaniment is only in the fourth verse.

The French Horn part is in the concert pitch in the full score. Other C instruments could play the part if needed.

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